The mysterious of Herreninsel and Fraueninsel.
The well-known of Herreninsel, also named as "gentlemen's island" is located at Chiemsee, Germany. The grandness palace, fountains in the castle’s gardens, represents the characteristic and power of Herreninsel. Ladies are not allowed step into Herreninsel Island in order to avoid friar's distraction. It's became an isolation island from the world later. In 1873, The King of Bavaria, Ludwig II bought this island because of the beautiful scene and the Herrenchiemsee had constructed. The design of the Royal Palace Herrenchiemsee is according to the French Versailles Palace. The most magnificent of the palace is reach hundred meters grand hall is larger than Versailles Palace's hall. What a pity Ludwig II has only remained nine days and never come back after left. Now the palace is opening to the outsiders for a visit (must led by tour guide and only 30mins for an entry). The palace will be closed when New Year, Shrove Tuesday and Christmas. Click Here for more details.
Fountains in the castle's garden
It’s taken 15 minutes from Herreninsel Island to Fraueninsel Island (also known as Ladies’ Island) by boat. The tranquility of Fraueninsel is different if compared with the grand magnificent sight of Herreninsel. The tranquil atmosphere makes people feel more comfortable and relax. The only similar thing between these 2mysterious islands is Nuns there never left the island because of the monastery's strict stipulation. Now, the only has 50 households and around 300 inhabitants on the entire island (female and male included). Believe that Fraueninsel is earlier got to outsiders compared with Herreninsel. Now, Fraueninsel has attracted many artists, the poet and the painters migrate there.
The Fraueninsel Island
The Monastery
The sample house in Fraueninsel
Photos credit to Rainer Jahns.
such a nice place !! perfect for holiday ;)